Bringing concepts to action

Now that you have completed the Instructional Planning Module, the next step is to consolidate your learning. Download the Unit Planning and Lesson Planning Template. These documents will guide you through the steps to planning instruction for an entire chapter or module or for a single lesson. This is a tool to help you plan and deliver your instruction, so feel free to adapt the template to suit your own needs.

Course Alignment activity on clipboard



An essential component for consolidating your learning is also to assess and reflect on how your knowledge has changed. Take a moment to evaluate your learning through the following 5 statements. Decide where you would situate yourself for each. If you select ‘Unsure’ for any or would like to develop further in any area, you may request a consultation by sending an email to A learning expert from the CTL will contact you to book a meeting.

    STEP 3


    Instructional planning is the third component in quality course design. Once your assessment activities have been aligned with your course learning outcomes, you can begin planning the instructional activities that will guide students to meet the end of course learning requirements. Instructional planning is two-fold, a macro-level plan at the unit level and micro planning at the lesson level. As a final activity in this module, take a moment to reflect on how your instructional planning supports your commitment to teaching excellence.

    Take a moment to consider these questions.

    • Are my instructional activities directly aligned with my assessment activities?

    • Have I included sufficient practice and application activities that offer students the opportunity to build and deepen their conceptual understanding?

    • Have I planned for explicit feedback activities to promote student learning?

    • Am I able to identify supporting outcomes to help me plan lessons that incrementally build students toward the course learning outcomes?


    To practice inclusive teaching, Instructors should apply the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines in their instructional planning. UDL is an evidence-based pedagogical framework designed to improve the quality of teaching and learning for the diverse learners found in a classroom environment.

    The UDL guidelines advocate for providing opportunities for (as much as possible):

    For more information on UDL