Teaching Excellence and Professional Development

Created by Concordia University’s Centre for Teaching and Learning and eConcordia, our website is dedicated to promoting teaching excellence and continuous professional development for faculty in higher education.

Flexible curriculum

You can approach our content from three different perspectives:

Teaching Excellence Credential

Some course paths offer a Teaching Excellence Credential (TEC) upon successful completion:

Icon that represents Teaching Excellence Credential

Credential Courses

As an enhanced feature, the CTL has created Teaching Excellence Credentials that can be earned for specific Course Paths. Instructors may choose to include their Teaching Excellence Credentials in their teaching dossier to demonstrate their engagement and investment in teaching excellence.

Get a Teaching Excellence Credential

To track your progression and obtain a Certificate of Completion, this process requires you to create an account, by clicking the MY ACCOUNT/REGISTER on the top right-hand side of our website.

A 4-step process to a Teaching Excellence Credential (TEC):

Read Our Blog

Check out pedagogical tips in these recent posts