About Alicia Cundell

Alicia works with faculty to develop their teaching through consultations, teaching observations and workshops. As a representative of the CTL, she also sits on a number of committees and liaises with various units to further the CTL’s mission of supporting and sustaining excellence, inclusion, and opportunity for the entire academic community

Zoom Hack #2: Managing what you and students see while sharing your screen

2021-06-17T14:48:05-05:00Categories: Learning technologies, Online Teaching|Tags: , , , , |

If you are like me, you may find it very challenging when sharing your screen on Zoom to follow the chat or monitor when students raise their hands. Luckily, I have found a super easy workaround that lets you share your slides (or other windows) while also being able to view the chatbox, participant list and even your slide notes!

Zoom Hack #1: Use Polls on the fly with “generic questions”

2021-06-17T14:09:22-05:00Categories: Active Learning, Learning technologies, Online Teaching, Synchronous teaching|Tags: , , |

If you like to use poll questions in your classes but do not want to input countless polls into Zoom before class, there is a good workaround that I have been using to make it easier (and less work!) to use polling in your virtual class.