Bringing concepts to action

Now that you have completed the Course Alignment Module the next step is to consolidate your learning. Download the Course Alignment Template DOC . This template will guide you through the steps to validating that your course is constructively aligned.

Learning outcomes bringing concepts to action on clipboard



An essential component for consolidating your learning is also to assess and reflect on how your knowledge has changed. Take a moment to evaluate your learning through the following 4 statements. Decide where you would situate yourself for each. If you select ‘Unsure’ for any or would like to develop further in any area, you can request a consultation through A learning expert from the CTL will contact you to book a meeting.

    STEP 3


    Course alignment is critical to good course design. The process helps validate that all components of the course work together to deliver a quality curriculum and support student learning success. As a final activity in this module, take a moment to reflect on how your course alignment process supports your commitment to teaching excellence.

    Take a moment to consider these questions.

    • How will an alignment exercise improve my teaching and evaluation practices? 

    • How will an alignment exercise enhance the learning experience for my students? 

    • How might feedback from my students help me validate my course alignment? 

    • How might feedback from my colleagues help validate my course alignment? 


    Your students can also contribute to your alignment review of your course resources, a single assignment or exam, etc. This would entail eliciting feedback with a few specific questions at the end of the semester, after an assessment activity, etc.

    Questions could focus on:

    When you include students in the process, you may find their analysis particularly insightful and useful in guiding your revisions.

    Biggs, J. B. (2003). Teaching for quality learning at university (2nd ed.). Maidenhead: Open University Press.

    Meyers, N. M., & Nulty, D. D. (2009). How to use (five) curriculum design principles to align authentic learning environments, assessment, students’ approaches to thinking and learning outcomes. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34(5), 565-577.