Active Learning


Advances in educational research and neuroscience are helping us to better understand how learning works and the many ways in which university education can be optimized for today’s large and diverse student population. Supporting more active and collaborative (student-centered) approaches to teaching and learning is a key finding of these discoveries. Active learning promotes greater student engagement and higher-order thinking by encouraging students to work together as active contributors to knowledge creation. To help [...]

Course Alignment


Course alignment is an important measure to ensure all the course components work together to provide a quality learning experience and foster student success. Module Course Alignment By the end of this module, you should be able to: Identify the value of the practice of course alignment; Complete a course alignment exercise to evaluate the quality of your course plan This module will help you identify the purpose of conducting a course [...]

Instructional Planning


Many consider teaching to be an art, and while this may be so, it should also be grounded in evidence-based approaches in order to ensure student success. Instructional planning is not just about planning in-class lessons; it includes the architecture of your entire course - the instruction and practice you need to provide, the work students need to do in and out of class, and the blueprint for how it all fits together. The [...]

Assessment Planning


Your assessments are a range of tools and methods used to monitor and evaluate the academic readiness, learning progress, knowledge, skill and attitude acquisition of your students at various stages in the learning sequence. Assessments are a preoccupation for Instructors and students alike. For the Instructor, it is a means of measuring student progress and providing feedback on whether or not your learning outcomes have been met. For the student, it defines the curriculum [...]

Learning Outcomes


Time and attention to designing your course will be instrumental in helping you deliver a dynamic and impactful learning experience to your students. Course design starts with well-defined learning outcomes that help you map out the path your students will follow from day one introductions to your final assessments. Module Learning Outcomes By the end of this module, you should be able to: Identify best practices for writing student learning outcomes; Construct observable & [...]